Download and installation

Step-by-step instructions to install ModestR for the first time

If you already have ModestR installed and you are looking for an update, go to updates section.

First-time installation step

ModestR uses some packages that you could need to install before installing ModestR for the first time.
Below we detail a step-by-step process to install ModestR for the first time. Those steps are only mandatory for new installations. Once installed for the first time, subsequent updates won't need you to follow all those steps.

English version can be downloaded from this link  ( For other language versions, you can select the desired language in the page pointed out before downloading.
.Net framework 4.6.1 installs the runtime environment upon which ModestR will run, as it is a .Net application. It is usually already installed in Windows 10, but not always in previous Windows versions.

This version includes many powerful features, such as 3D Niche of occurrence, 3D environmental layers, species spatial an environmental overlapping estimation, specific D3-based graphics to visualize results, support for .netCDF files, better support for shapefiles, and many other features.

In this distribution a detailed world map with only land and sea data is included. After installing ModestR, you can optionally download and install complete freshwater data from Download section. from Download Switching to this version from previous ones may require reprocessing existing ModestR maps databases ModestR will tell you if this is necessary (anyway, we suggest to make a backup of your ModestR databases previously)


ModestR software is a data-intensive and quite heavy load software, as it uses high detailed maps and performs heavy calculations. That’s why we strongly recommend a quite performing computer to have a good user experience with ModestR. Anyway, minimal requirements for running ModestR are:

But our recommendations to really be able to agilely work with ModestR  are:

Remember that ModestR software has to be installed in an NTFS partition (FAT32 partitions are NOT supported due to their maximum file size limit).
If you have a dual system graphics card (a computer with a low-consuming graphics card and a high-performance graphics card, that automatically switch according to software requirements) we strongly recommend to configure the system to always use high-performance graphics card when running ModestR software.